That would have been a good premise for a single-player campaign: give each character a set of levels where they get to kick ass in their own respective realm before they all got teleported to the arena.īut then you have to realize how much work this would have needed: each character coming from a different world, and fighting different enemies, that means basically making one small game per character. Im enjoyed playing the Q3 in a local cyber cafe, but many people in my country prefered HL DM and CS 1.6, so, im really enjoyed at their full potential when QL was free to play. Really, it's one of thoses games that's you just needed to be there to enjoy it at they full potential, and looking how many games are splited in Arenas FPS only because people crave more for Quake 3, it's a testament of how important was for iD Software. What's if we made the ULTIMATE MP LAN PARTY GAME! Thus, was born Quake 3! Id always made they games had MP functions, but comparing how different it's playing Q2 SP and MP, made them retrink again, for the better, change and inovation it's something of iD Software, and they trinked. This would be the year of popular game multiplayers, like: The year it's 2000! The explosion of more accessible internet servers and conections, paired with the BOOM and greatness of LAN Partys and Cybers Cafe, make a new trend on PC Gaming, games focused in MP Only.